As we know that managers in all types of businesses are responsible for managing organizational performance.Therefore, in order to make good decisions managers in all types of businesses want and need different types of information so that they can manage organizational performance.Managers are concerned with organizational performance the accumulated and results of all the organizations work processes and activities.Its a complex but an important concept.The managers need to understand the various factors that contribute to high organizational performance.Managers also want that their organization,their work units as well as their work groups to achieve high levels of performance,no matter what mission, stategies, or goals are being pursued.The managers also need appropriate tools for monitoring and measuring the organizational performance.If the source of performance variation is unsatisfactory work, the manager will want to take corrective action which includes changing strategy , compensation practices, redesigning jobs, training programs or firing employees who are not suitable for the particular job.

The more troublesome problem regarding organizational performance is revising a performance standard downward.If an employee,work team or work unit of any organization falls significantly short of reaching its goal ,their natural response is to shift the blame for the variance to the goal.Successful, service oriented organization hire employees who are outgoing and friendly.Service employees also need to have the freedom to meet changing customer service requirements.The most frequently used organizational performance measures include organizational productivity, organizational effectiveness and industry rankings.