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Employees are the one who work with their interns to make them perfect and to provide them with the valuable hands on the field of the financial management. Interns are financially compensated for their hard work and their all time efforts. Student interns who are outstanding in their work get an opportunity if growth within the agency and they are also provided with some challenging and meaningful assignments.
Most of the people would disagree , mainly the experts on what skills and practices should be required for basic , financial management. However , all those categories listed below mainly occurs in workshops and seminars based on management skills and practices. All these workshops and seminars mainly on supervision includes wide range of topics.
Categorization of management skills and practices
Management skills and practices has been categorized accordingly :
An organizational structure provides the framework which enables the enterprise to function as an integrated unit by regulating and coordinating the responsibilities of individuals and departments. The span of management to a large extent gives shape ton the organizational structure. It is very necessary for an organization to define their powers and to avoid the duplication of functions. Organizational structure mainly depends on the development of the products.
Large multinational corporations require an organizational structure that can run the usual business functions. It is quite difficult for a multinational companies to create coordination among units which can be achieved through rules and procedures , the ways in which the units works.Through coordination one can easily achieve its stated goal.