By nikita

By nikita

Since management is needed in all types and sizes of organization ,at all organizational levels either bottom or top , in all organizational areas- marketing, manufacturing, the people have started showing their genuine interest in improving the way organizations are managed. Organizations that are well managed develops a loyal customer base and increase in revenue whereas the organization that are poorly and carelessly managed finds themselves with a declining customer base and reduced revenue.
With the study of management and achieving broader management knowledge one can easily be able to recognize poor management and work harder to get it corrected. Poor management is most often

All the activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all organization whether economic, social or political. The managers however, does all the plannings , organizing in the same way but the way of doing the job may differ, the difference may be due to difference in culture,tradition and history.
By nikita

Role of Financial Management cannot be over-emphasized, since it has a direct bearing on the financial health of a business. Almost all the items in the financial statements of a business are affected directly or indirectly through some financial management decisions.Some of the prominent aspects being affected includes :
- The size as well as the composition of the fixed assets of the business.
- The quantum of current assets as well as its break up into cash,inventories.
- The amount of long term and short term finance to be use
By nikita

Employees are the one who work with their interns to make them perfect and to provide them with the valuable hands on the field of the financial management. Interns are financially compensated for their hard work and their all time efforts. Student interns who are outstanding in their work get an opportunity if growth within the agency and they are also provided with some challenging and meaningful assignments.
By nikita
Most of the people would disagree , mainly the experts on what skills and practices should be required for basic , financial management. However , all those categories listed below mainly occurs in workshops and seminars based on management skills and practices. All these workshops and seminars mainly on supervision includes wide range of topics.
Categorization of management skills and practices
Management skills and practices has been categorized accordingly :
- Designing employees
- Employee training
- Personnel policies
Every one in the organization must have skills and practices and should be confident in handling each and every task successfully so that the organizational objective to be achieved is fulfilled with complete zeal. There are various functions to be performed inside the organization such as :
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing
- Controlling
By nikita

As an organization grows, coordination becomes difficult due to the emergence of new functions and increase in structural hierarchies. Thus, for an organization to function smoothly and face environmental changes, it becomes necessary for the some to pay attention to its structure.This organizational structure consists of two types:
- Functional structure
- Divisional structure
An organizational structure provides the framework which enables the enterprise to function as an integrated unit by regulating and coordinating the responsibilities of individuals and departments. The span of management to a large extent gives shape ton the organizational structure. It is very necessary for an organization to define their powers and to avoid the duplication of functions. Organizational structure mainly depends on the development of the products.
Large multinational corporations require an organizational structure that can run the usual business functions. It is quite difficult for a multinational companies to create coordination among units which can be achieved through rules and procedures , the ways in which the units works.Through coordination one can easily achieve its stated goal.
By nikita
Every organization made up of more than one person having different personalities, background, experiences and objectives requires one or the other form of structure . In organization there are different objectives and management has to achieve all the objectives in an efficient and effective manner.The main objective of an organization should be to utilize human resources as well as material resources to the maximum possible advantage.
- Every companies are owned by the shareholders and the duties of these shareholders are to choose the directors who can to look after their interest. The directors then appoints the managers who are able to handle the business and run the business on a day-to-day basis. Management through its motivation power and leadership can help individual in developing team spirit, cooperation and commitment to group success.
- Every business needs to add to its prospects in the long run, for which it is necessary for the business to grow. To remain in the industry management must exploit fully the growth potential of the organization. Every shows their responsibility towards society as well as the country in order to earn name and fame. Growth of a business in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment.
By nikita

- Managers are those person who manages the work of an organization and seeks towards meeting the organizational objective.Management has been described as: 'the process of planning , organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of the members of the organization as well as enterprise resources efficiently and effectively to achieve stated organizational goals'. Although management does not satisfy all the requirements of a profession , it is to a large extent professional in character. A manager's job is to maintain control over the way of an organization does things, to keep close watch on the works being performed inside the organization and at the same time to lead, inspire and direct the people under them.Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organizing than managers at lower level organization.
- In a company the shareholders are the one who have the right to elect a Board of directors to represent their interests. Thereafter a Managing Director will be appointed who has overall responsibility for running the company. The managing director will then appoint senior managers to run the company.The type of managers to be appointed depends on the organizational structure of the company. Each manager in an organization is given an area of responsibility who are responsible for motivating the employees ,creating confidence in them , making them perfect in handling the organizational work with more zeal.
- Shareholders are the owners of the company who owns a part of share in the profits of the company. Executive directors are responsible for ongoing decision that are required to be made in the business . On the other hand non-executive directors provide regular advice to the company but are not directly involved in the day-to-day supervision of the company. Directors of the organization are the elected representatives of the company who directs the employees and their leader on how to handle the task and achieve the goal.In order to achieve the organizational goal one should be fair and honest enough in dealing and handling their works.